Website Grandview First Church



Grandview Church of the Nazarene is a community of Christian faith— a worshipping, learning, evangelizing, and serving community. We take seriously the treasure God has given us in our children and teens, as well as the responsibility to help them come to faith in Jesus. Teens at GVNaz live as a part of that community, rather than apart from the community. The essential tasks of Grandview Nazarene’s Youth Pastor are…

1. to assist GVNaz parents in discipling their teens, understanding that disciples are wholly-devoted followers and servants of Jesus who connect with God and others, who intentionally grow in their faith, and who serve as a way of experiencing the abundant life Jesus promised;

2. to seek to include and to give needed discipleship assistance to teens whose parents/families are not yet part of the GVNaz family;

3. to recruit and develop a team of adult volunteers who will assist in planning ministry events, communicate with teens and parents, chaperone activities, serve as examples of Christian faith and living, and serve as a youth ministry council/team;

4. to plan and execute with adult volunteers a schedule of events that will shape the faith of teens, including weekly youth group meetings/ services, Sunday school classes, teen Life Groups, annual retreats, mission trips, and opportunities to serve;

5. to cooperate with Northwest District NYI leadership, giving scheduling priority to district and denominational events on the local church ministry event calendar.

GVNaz’s Youth Pastor will have responsibility for the pastoral care and discipleship of teens and of the adult ministry team with whom he/she ministers. Time spent with those disciples outside of scheduled ministry events is crucial, so attention should be given to time spent in area schools, at student extracurricular activities, and in the homes of the teens and adults to whom he/she ministers.

NOTE: In light of the rapidly changing cultural landscape, GVNaz’s Youth Pastor has an opportunity to think imaginatively and to create new opportunities and paradigms for ministry to teens. He/she will enjoy the support and collaborative effort of the staff and Church Board to find ways to minister effectively.

This position may also develop in such a way as to include oversight of ministry to young adults, depending upon the growth of the Youth Pastor, his/her availability without compromising effectiveness in ministry to teens, and the needs of the church family.

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