Website Fortuna Church of the Nazarene

Loving church on the Redwood Zone

The Lead Pastor is responsible for leading and equipping the local church to carry out its mission to make Christlike disciples among its neighbors and in the nations. This will require a firm grasp of the beliefs, values, and priorities of the Church of the Nazarene as well as the ability to cast vision, build teams, and effectively share the gospel with nonbelievers.

The Lead Pastor devotes equal time and energy towards growing the congregation (personal and corporate outreach/evangelism) and caring for the flock (discipleship, fellowship, and pastoral care). This position is full-time, and includes a salary + use of a parsonage adjacent to the church campus.

1. Christlike leader who cultivates the church’s imagination for mission in its community.
2. Takes appropriate responsibility for the health and growth of the church.
3. Coordinates the development of the systems and infrastructure needed to carry out the
mission of the church, including guiding the church toward financial sustainability.
4. Skilled communicator who handles Scripture responsibly and inspires people to action.
5. Naturally connects and relates with people from varied walks of life.
6. A leader whom others will follow. A team builder who can form and develop leaders.

The Lead Pastor is responsible for developing and advancing the church’s mission, vision, and
values. This leadership and input will be provided through many activities, including:
1. Preaching messages that help people grow in faith, both personally and corporately.
2. Evaluating the missional health and effectiveness of the church through analysis of
engagement, giving, small group participation, baptisms, membership, volunteerism,
community impact, etc.
3. Leading the development of a church-wide discipleship culture that helps move people to
spiritual maturity and full engagement in the church’s mission and vision.
4. Guiding the church toward community engagement practices that balance both
attractional and missional models of outreach. Attractional practices may include strong
programming for children and youth, the use of print and digital media to promote the
church, and outreach events. Missional practices empower congregants to build natural bridges with their neighbors, friends, family, coworkers, and classmates that lead them to
know Christ and become part of God’s family.
5. Seeking ways to leverage the church’s resources to bless its community and promote
human flourishing, such as sharing its facilities with outside groups, participating in
community service programs, partnering with other churches and nonprofits, etc. The
pastor will give particular attention to cultivating relationship with existing people and
groups that use the campus for the purposes of faith development and blessing the
community together.
6. Exploring new models of financial resiliency and sustainability, including property rental
income, applying for grant funding for compassionate ministry work, etc.

The Lead Pastor builds a team of leaders, equippers, and volunteers who carry out the ministry
and mission of the church. He or she does this by:
1. Providing opportunities for volunteers to connect, receive training, and evaluate ministry.
2. Coaching key leaders who demonstrate potential to equip others and multiply ministry.

The Lead Pastor helps foster a sense of well-being, belonging, and ownership among members
and regular attendees. He or she does this by:
1. Offering pastoral care and counseling according to need and personal availability.
2. Giving special attention to newcomers so that they feel at home and are motivated to
begin the process of becoming part of the church family.
3. Checking in with absentee members and encouraging them to return to the fold.
4. Performing weddings, funerals, baptisms, and child dedications when invited to do so.
5. Coordinating systems of care for the people of congregation.
6. Other duties of the local pastor as described in the Manual of the Church of the Nazarene
(paragraphs 124-131).

1. Maintains a vibrant relationship with God through cultivating a healthy devotional life,
engaging in spiritual disciplines, and connecting with others in godly community.
2. Attends workshops and conferences to gain knowledge of current best practices in
spiritual formation, organizational management, outreach and evangelism, and general
church leadership.
3. Participates in the life and ministry of the district and denomination at large through
prayer, learning, service, and mutual support of fellow Nazarenes, clergy, and churches.

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