
OVERVIEW: Ministry is all about relationships. We are looking for a dynamic, outgoing, passionate leader who can connect with students in their schools, in their homes, at coffee shops, at the park, and of course at the church. The minister to youth and their families is responsible for leading the discipleship and evangelism of our students in grades 6 through 12. Ministry in today’s world is highly entrepreneurial so listed below is only the rock-bottom, bare bones requirements. Your passion is what will make this succeed!


1. Be loved! The world is full of wounded people – and the church is no exception to that. God’s infinite love has the power to heal all wounds. To be a minister of that love is to first receive that love. Spend time every day in prayer and in the scriptures with an open and receptive heart. There are also some administrative duties on this receiving end of ministry. Continue to receive instruction by fulfilling the education requirements of the Church of the Nazarene. And if not yet ordained, be actively pursuing coaching, instruction, and accountability from the church that will lead toward greater personal growth and fulfillment of your calling. Further it is the minister’s job make sure that every student knows the love of God in their own life. This is discipleship — growth in Christ. The minister to youth and their families will coordinate the weekly rhythm for youth discipleship. They will also coordinate with other lay leaders and volunteers to create a dynamic intergenerational discipleship. And they will help oversee the transition for incoming younger students and outgoing older students to ensure each person is covered in prayer and linked arms with a community of support.

2. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Live a life of incarnational evangelism. Only those who fully receive God’s love can truly embody what it means to be a disciple of Christ. It’s one thing to introduce another person to Jesus. It’s a new thing entirely to act as an agent of Christ, being an ambassador and doing the work of teach, preaching, and healing as Christ did when we walked the Earth. This also comes with administrative duties. The minister to youth and their families will also coordinate outreach opportunities that flow from the passions of the individuals in the church. These are everything from service opportunities to fun activities or just lunch gatherings on a school day. But whatever it is, special attention should be given to the overall impact to ensure that it is moving us into areas of growth beyond the church walls. Networking with other community organizations and other area youth ministers is an essential part of strengthening connections and relationships. It’s the minister’s job to provide pastoral care to the students, their guardians, and other youth leaders, then coordinate the training of others to do likewise. Other areas of training would be for families and the unique dynamics of parenting in today’s world, the proper use of social media, and healthy sexual ethics.

3. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus said, “Everything you did in service to the least of these, you did unto me.” When we love our neighbor, we love the Lord. The next thing to do is go back to the beginning and be renewed and refreshed by receiving God’s love.

Final Note: Ministry is a calling as well as a profession. It is expected that the minister to youth and their families “lives a life worthy of the calling they have received” (Eph 4). With that comes some additional administrative instruction. Minister to youth and their families will: Report directly to the lead pastor, Participate in weekly team meetings, Develop and manage a youth budget as approved by the church board, Oversee digital/social media for youth and families, Coordinate with local and district NYI councils, And of course, perform any other ministry related tasks as needed. Compensation will include free parsonage housing (estimated rent is $1800/mo), and a cash salary (Amount DOE).

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